


是云南昆明地区电缆桥架、玻璃钢桥架、各种母线槽等产品的顶级桥架厂商,J9国际站 欢迎各位领导前来考察!
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作者: 来源: 日期:2018-3-31 9:05:15

    根据目前的情况来看,由于市场需求,几乎每个电缆桥架生产企业都忙得热火朝天,但是每个企业所获得的利润并不乐观,如果桥架行业还是按照原有模式生产,利润将会越来越小,桥架产业需要寻求新的利润增长点,来顺应目前的形势和整个产业能够更好地发展。电缆桥架产品的市场行情决定了订货单价不会有较大幅度的上扬,甚至还会有下挫的可能。在这种情况下,怎样才能够获得较高的利润,使生产企业和整个产业走上良性发展的轨道呢?利润 = 销售收入 - 成本 - 税金 - 相关管理费用,由此可见,在销售收入一定的情况下,只有通过降低成本、税金、相关管理费用的方法来提高利润。而其中税金是不能降低的,相关管理费用的降低是通过企业质量管理体系的良好运行来实现的,文中探讨的是通过降低成本来提高产品利润的可行性,当然,降低成本的前提是保持产品的质量水平。成本主要是由原材料成本和制造成本组成,制造成本包括生产设备成本、生产过程中人力资源成本等。设备投资是必须的,工人工资是不能随意降低的,可见制造成本的降低幅度是有限的,因此只能在降低原材料成本上想办法,可是,降低原材料成本又不能降低产品质量水平,这就必须进行技术革新,寻求新的生产技术和产品形式。前面提到,电缆桥架的两个重要指标:电缆桥架的承载能力应满足工作均布载荷小于额定均布载荷,电缆桥架应能适应不同的环境要求和有较长的使用寿命。因此,应该从这两方面来考虑如何降低成本。
    从电缆桥架的承载能力方面考虑。降低电缆桥架的成本,首先就是降低所用板材的厚度,如何使电缆桥架选用低厚度板材即可满足原有承载能力要求,或选用原有厚度板材可以满足更高承载电缆桥架的现状与发展前景电工电气    (2009 No.2)能力要求将是解决这个问题的关键。下面,针对不同的电缆桥架进行具体分析:
(1) 钢制电缆桥架。因为型材的结构强度要高于普通的平面板材,因此可以使用机拉或压制工艺,改变电缆桥架的平面板材形状,以提高强度。例如将电缆桥架主体结构中底板、帮边、盖板均采用瓦楞结构,或压制出类似履带的块状凹凸结构,使电缆桥架的强度增大。同时散热面积增大,其构造便于透气和热交换,也降低了电缆桥架内敷设电缆的能量损耗。该种结构选用低厚度板材即可满足原有承载能力要求,这将大量降低原材料的使用量。目前,这两种工艺均有厂家进行了尝试,且都有较好的使用效果。如果沿着这个方向进一步研究,将来应该还会有更加新型的电缆桥架产生。另外,对于内敷设电缆较少、电缆较轻的场所,可以采用钢网制造替代钢质板材,该种结构装配灵活,适用于各种安装情况,便于空气流通且能有效减少电磁干扰的影响。这种钢网电缆桥架极大地降低了原材料的使用,有效地控制了原材料成本。
(2) 铝合金电缆桥架。铝合金电缆桥架因为其本身就是采用铝合金型材制造,结构强度还是比较高的,为了进一步提高其强度,可以在桥架梯边、横档等部位采用钢质加强筋进行加固,这样就可以当降低板材厚度等级。
(3)玻璃钢电缆桥架。玻璃钢电缆桥架因为受到自身玻璃钢材质性能的影响,承载、抗扭、抗拉能力与钢制电缆桥架相比都有一定的差距,但因为其高耐腐的特点在化工等行业的运用非常广泛,为了提高强度,可以借鉴铝合金电缆桥架的形式,将四条边设计成空心型材结构,并可以内衬钢筋,与原有结构相比,在消耗相同原材料的情况下,达到提高结构强度,提高抗扭、抗拉能力的目的。其次,从电缆桥架适应不同的环境要求和使用寿命来考虑。这一点,主要是针对钢制电缆桥架进行的考虑。钢制电缆桥架根据桥架的耐腐蚀等级目前主要采用热浸镀锌、热固性粉末静电喷涂、电镀锌等表面处理方式。以1.5 mm板材制造的钢制电缆桥架为例,不同形式的表面处理价格分别为:热浸镀锌3 000 元/t热固性粉末静电喷涂800 元/t,电镀锌800 元/t。经过48 h中性盐雾试验后,热浸镀锌表面光泽稍变暗,颜色稍褪但镀层无腐蚀点;热固性粉末静电喷涂表面涂层的色泽有明显变化,但无气泡等缺陷,底金属无锈点;电镀锌表面色泽有明显变化,镀层局部有少量腐蚀点(产生腐蚀点的面积小于或等于50 %),底金属无锈点。目前北京和沈阳分别有公司研制出高耐腐气相缓蚀 (VCI) 双金属复合涂层和高耐腐双金属涂层技术,并在其它金属表面处理场合进行了广泛运用,高耐腐气相缓蚀双金属复合涂层经 750 h 中性盐雾试验,样品表面无明显变化,高耐腐双金
属涂层经 240 h 中性盐雾试验,涂层表面色泽有变,但无气泡等缺陷,底金属无锈点,与普通表面处理的差异可见一斑。目前已分别有企业将这两项技术试用于电缆桥架的生产中,1.5 mm 板材制造的钢制电缆桥架进行这两种表面处理价格仅仅是 2 500 元 /t 左右。如果将该两项技术广泛运用于电缆桥架的生产中,再根据不同的环境条件调节涂层厚度,将能够大幅度降低电缆桥架表面处理的成本。目前,金属表面处的工艺正在不断革新,将其中合适的技术与电缆桥架生产相结合,必将在提高产品质量的同时有效控制产品成本。

According to the current situation, due to the market demand, almost every.

A cable bridge manufacturer is busy, but every company.

The profits from the industry are not optimistic, if the bridge industry still follows.

The original mode production, the profit will be smaller, the bridge industry needs.

Seek new profit growth point to comply with current situation and whole production.

The industry can develop better.

The market price of cable bridge products determines the order price.

There is a big rise, and there may even be a fall. In this

Under the circumstances, how can the higher profits be obtained and the production enterprises?

And the industry and industry on the path of sound development?

Profit = sales revenue - cost - tax - related administrative expenses,

Thus, in the case of sales revenue, only through health.

Low cost, tax, and related management fees to increase profits.

However, the tax cannot be reduced, and the related management cost is reduced.

Through the good operation of the enterprise quality management system, the article.

The feasibility of improving product profit by reducing costs is discussed.

Of course, the premise of reducing cost is to maintain the quality level of the product.

The cost is mainly composed of raw material cost and manufacturing cost.

This includes the production equipment cost, the production process of human resources.

This, and so on. Equipment investment is necessary, and the wages of the workers cannot be reduced at will.

Low, visible manufacturing cost reduction is limited, so only.

Can reduce the cost of raw materials to find a way, but, reduce the raw materials.

The cost cannot reduce the product quality level, this must carry on the technology.

Innovate, seek new production technology and product form.

As mentioned above, two important indicators of cable bridge: cable bridge.

The load-bearing capacity of the frame shall be less than the rated uniformly distributed load.

Charge, cable bridge should be able to adapt to different environmental requirements and have a longer.

Service life. So how do you reduce that?

The cost.

First, consider the carrying capacity of the cable bridge. To reduce

The cost of cable bridge is to reduce the thickness of the plate used.

How to make cable bridge to choose low thickness plate to meet the original load?

Ability requirements, or the selection of original thickness plate can meet the current situation and development prospect of the cable bridge.

Ability requirements will be the key to solving this problem. Now, for no

The same cable bridge is analyzed in detail:

(1) steel cable bridge. Because the structural strength of the profile is high.

For ordinary planar plates, the machine can be used or pressed.

Change the shape of the flat panel of the cable bridge to increase the strength. For example,

In the main structure of the cable bridge structure, the bottom plate, the help side, the cover plate all adopt the tile.

A corrugated structure, or a lumpy concave structure similar to a crawler, that causes electricity.

The strength of the cable bridge is increased. At the same time, the heat dissipation area increases, and its structure is.

The cable in cable bridge is also reduced by air permeability and heat exchange.

Energy loss. This kind of structure chooses low ply plank can satisfy original.

Carrying capacity requirements, this will greatly reduce the use of raw materials. orders,

Previously, both of these processes have been tried by the manufacturer, and both have good.

Use effect. If you go further in this direction, the future.

There should also be a more new type of cable bridge.

In addition, there are less cable and less cable.

The steel mesh can be used to replace steel plate.

Flexible assembly, suitable for all kinds of installation, convenient for air circulation.

It can effectively reduce the influence of electromagnetic interference. This kind of steel wire cable bridge pole.

The earth reduces the use of raw materials and effectively controls the raw materials.


(2) aluminum alloy cable bridge. Aluminium alloy cable bridge because of its.

It is made of aluminum alloy profiles, structural strength or comparison.

High, in order to further enhance its strength, can be at the bridge ladder,

Steel reinforcement reinforcement is adopted in the horizontal and other parts so that it can be strengthened.

Reduce the thickness of plate properly.

(3) fiberglass cable bridge. Glass steel cable bridge because of.

To the effect of the properties of glass reinforced plastics, bearing, torsion and tensile.

There is a certain gap between the ability and the steel cable bridge, but because.

The characteristics of high corrosion resistance are widely used in chemical industry and other industries.

To improve the strength, we can learn from the aluminum alloy cable tray form, will.

The four sides are designed as hollow sections and can be lined with reinforcing bars.

Compared with the original structure, the same raw materials are consumed.

Improve the structure strength, and improve the anti-twist and tensile strength.

Secondly, from cable bridge to different environmental requirements and use.

Think about life. This point is mainly aimed at the steel cable bridge.

Think about it.

The steel cable bridge is based on the corrosion resistance of the bridge.

Hot dip galvanizing, thermosetting powder electrostatic spraying, electrogalvanizing, etc.

Surface treatment. Steel cable bridge made of 1.5mm sheet metal.

For example, the different surface treatment prices are: hot dip galvanizing.

3 000 yuan /t, thermosetting powder electrostatic spraying 800 yuan /t, galvanizing.

800 yuan/t. After 48 h salt spray test, hot dip galvanized sheet.

The surface gloss is slightly darker, the color is slightly faded but the coating has no corrosion point; thermosetting

The colour and lustre of powder electrostatic spraying coating have obvious change, but no gas.

Foam and other defects, the base metal rust-free point; The surface color of electrogalvanizing is obvious.

Change, the coating has a small number of corrosion points (the area of the corrosion point).

Less than or equal to 50 %), base metal without rust.

At present, Beijing and shenyang have developed high corrosion resistance.

Phase corrosion (VCI) bimetal composite coating and high corrosion - resistant bimetallic coating.

Layer technology is widely used in other metal surface treatments.

The composite coating with high corrosion resistance and corrosion inhibition is 750 h.

The salt spray test showed no obvious change on the surface of the sample.

The coating has a change of color on the coating with 240 h salt spray test.

Melt, but no bubble and other defects, base metal rustless point, and ordinary table.

The difference in face processing can be seen. So far, there have been companies.

Two technologies are used in the production of cable bridge, 1.5mm plate.

The steel cable bridge is manufactured for these two surface treatment prices.

It's only about 2,500 yuan /t. If the two technologies are widely transported.

Used in the production of cable bridge, according to different environmental conditions.

Adjusting the coating thickness will greatly reduce the surface of cable bridge.

The cost of processing.

At present, the process of metal surface treatment is constantly innovating, will.

The combination of suitable technology and cable bridge production is bound to be mentioned.

High product quality control product cost effectively.

4 conclusion

To sum up, the development of cable bridge industry.


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