


是云南昆明地区电缆桥架、玻璃钢桥架、各种母线槽等产品的顶级桥架厂商,J9国际站 欢迎各位领导前来考察!
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作者: 来源: 日期:2018-3-31 8:59:00

    其次,因为电缆桥架产业的入门门槛较低,电缆桥架的生产工艺简单,仅仅需要一台剪板机、一台折边机、一台冲床和几个工人,就可以生产电缆桥架,导致生产电缆桥架的企业众多。由于每个企业实力的差别,生产的产品质量水平也不尽相同。然而,由于每个厂生产的产品大同小异,企业为了获得市场份额大多是采取价格竞争的方法,价格战让企业原本就很少的利润变得更加微薄,于是目前就出现了一些不正常的现象:少数企业为了获得较高的利润,就通过降低产品质量的方法来降低成本。以生产钢制电缆桥架为例:根据承载能力设计要求,需2.0mm 板材生产的,现改用 1.5 mm 板材生产,大跨距桥架帮板需要用 2.5 mm 双梯帮生产的,现改用 3.0 mm 单梯帮生产;根据使用环境要求,需要进行热浸镀锌表面处理的,现改为价格较低的电镀锌或喷涂表面处理,而需要进行电镀锌表面处的,JB/T 10216-2000《电控配电用电缆桥架》标准规定桥架构件表面电镀锌层厚度应大于或等于12μm,这些企业的产品仅仅做到 3 ~ 4μm。以上行为已经严重影响了桥架行业的健康发展,这些都是低价竞争的后果,而众多的企业又不能够摆脱打价格战的命运。

First of all, the current raw material price increases for bridge industry has brought the huge impact, steel, aluminum, glass steel, zinc ingots, powder coatings, etc. Are the price of raw materials rose sharply and there are large fluctuations, and bridge products price rises is far less than the margin of the rising prices of raw materials. Bridge products is a kind of low value-added products, just carry on some simple mechanical processing for raw materials and surface treatment, bridge has a considerable part of the cost of the product is the cost of raw materials, several thousand yuan, even nearly ten thousand yuan a ton of monovalent, processing costs only a few hundred yuan. The production of cable bridge products consumes a lot of natural resources such as steel and zinc without creating additional value.

Second, because of cable tray industry entry threshold is low, cable tray production process is simple, just need a shearing machine, a folding machine, a punch and a few workers, can the production of cable tray, lead to the production of cable tray enterprises. Due to the difference in the strength of each enterprise, the quality level of the products produced is not the same. However, because each factory production products are the same, the enterprise in order to gain market share is mostly adopt the method of price competition, price competition for business already little profit become more thin, so some abnormal phenomena arise at present: a handful of firms in order to obtain higher profits, is to reduce costs by using the method of reduce product quality. In production of steel cable bridge, for example: according to the carrying capacity of the design requirements, should be 2.0 mm plate production, now use 1.5 mm plate production, large span bridge help board need to use 2.5 mm double elevator production, now switch to 3.0 mm single ladder to help production; According to use environmental requirements, the need for hot dip galvanized surface treatment, now changed to lower prices or galvanized coating surface treatment, and the need for electricity galvanized surface, JB/T 10216-2000 "electric distribution with cable tray" standard regulation electric galvanized layer thickness on the surface of the bridge structure should be greater than or equal to 12 microns, the product of the enterprise only do 3 ~ 4 microns. The above behavior has seriously affected the healthy development of the bridge industry, these are the consequences of low price competition, and many enterprises can not get rid of the fate of price war.


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