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作者: 来源: 日期:2018-3-31 10:15:38

(1) 电 线 电 缆 穿 墙 孔 洞。一 般 电 线 电 缆 贯 穿 隔墙、楼层的孔洞处,均实施防火封堵;使用耐火、防火电缆的其它重要回路,如消防、报警、应急照明、计算机监控等也应实施防火封堵。具体做法是将需实施防火封堵的部位清理干净,整理电缆,清除表面油污、灰尘;将有机堵料揉匀后,用合适的工具将其铺于需封堵的缝隙中。封堵较大的孔洞时,应与无机防火堵料配合使用,电缆两侧各 1 m 处涂刷防火涂料。
(2)电线电缆穿楼层孔洞 。穿越楼层的电缆孔洞若较小,可直接用有机堵料封堵,如果穿孔面积较大时应作配筋处理或采用与分隔体相同耐火极限的防火板在底部衬托,其结构强度不得低于分隔体。由下而上实施防火封堵的方法是将电缆四周用有机堵料包裹电缆,四周用防火包填实严密,底部用防火隔板托住防火包,并用膨胀螺栓固定;若是小孔洞,则直接用有机堵料嵌于需封堵的缝隙中,电缆两侧各 1 m 处涂刷防火涂料。
(3) 电缆竖井。一般竖井若电缆排列整齐,可采用防火隔板、有机、无机防火堵料、防火包进行封堵,电缆穿越部位应保证封堵厚度和强度。
(5)电缆桥架。电缆桥架(线糟) 的贯穿孔口应采用无机堵料防火灰泥,或阻火包、防火板或有机堵料如防火发泡砖并辅以有机堵料如防火密封胶或防火泥等封堵。当贯穿钢筋混凝土墙体或轻质防火分隔墙体时,应注意采用不同的堵料材料。具体实施时应拆除桥架盖板,将防火堵料塞至电 缆,并不得有任何缝隙。软性防火堵料两面应分别用大于其面积的防火板翻盖,防火板与分隔体之间应用高强度螺丝钉紧固连接。用阻火包进行封堵时,施工前应整理电缆,检查阻火包有无破损,施工时,在电缆周围宜裹一层有机防火料。

(1) electric wire cable through wall hole. The electric cable is used to penetrate the wall and the hole of the floor. Fire protection, alarm, emergency lighting and computer monitoring should also be used in other important circuits of fireproof and fireproof cables. The specific practice is to clean up the parts that need to be fireproof, tidy up the cables, and remove oil and dust on the surface. After kneading the organic material, use the appropriate tool to place it in the gap that needs to be blocked. When sealing the large hole, it should be used with the inorganic fireproof plug, and the two sides of the cable shall be painted with fire retardant coating.

(2) the electric wire and cable are perforated by the floor. If the cable holes across the floor is lesser, can be directly with organic plugging material block, if perforation should be done when the larger area reinforcement processing or use the same as the space body fire endurance of fire prevention board in the bottom of the foil, its structural strength is not less than separate body. Bottom-up implementation of fire-proof sealing method is to cable cable with organic plugging material all round, round with fireproof bag filling reality closely, use the fire barrier hold fire at the bottom of the package, and expansion bolt; If the hole is small, the organic block is directly embedded in the gap which needs to be blocked. The fireproof coating is painted on each side of the cable.

(3) cable shaft. In general, if the cables are arranged in a neat arrangement, fireproof partitions, organic, inorganic fireproof blocks and fireproof packages can be used to block the cables, and the sealing thickness and strength should be guaranteed by the cable crossing site.

(4) the cable runs through the hole. The fireproof plugging of the cable through the hole should be strictly according to the relevant requirements, and the holes shall be filled with ash sand or concrete. The remaining part of the pore shall be tightly sealed with the soft thermal expansion type.

(5) cable bridge. Line cable tray (worse) through the orifice should use inorganic plugging material fire plaster, or fire, fire prevention board, or organic plugging material such as foam fire brick and supplemented by plugging material such as fire sealant or fire clay plugging. When the walls of reinforced concrete walls or light fire are separated, different materials should be used. When the concrete implementation, the bridge frame should be removed, and the fireproof plug should be plugged into the cable, and there should be no gap. The two sides of soft fireproof blockage should be covered with fire prevention board with greater than its area, and the high strength screw fastening connection should be applied between the fire prevention board and the divider. In case of blocking, the cable should be collated before construction to check whether there is any damage or breakage. In the construction, a layer of organic fireproof material should be wrapped around the cable.


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